Help Save Baseball - Don't pitch to Bonds
I originally posted this on March 28. (Being new to this blogging deal, I lost the blog and had to create another one...)
I'm attempting to begin a grass roots campaign. My goal is to keep Barry Bonds's name off of Hank Aaron's home run record. Not by putting an asterisk by his name but by simply not letting him hit the ball. I want to encourage pitchers to simply walk him, refuse to pitch to him. The idea of Bonds eclipsing the records of Ruth and Aaron is a crime, both literally and figuratively. While 715 & 756 will certainly make for great theater if they occur, in the minds of so many people they are merely travesties in the making.
Given this situation, if Bonds doesn't have the character to simply walk away and leave the game with what's left of its tattered respectability still intact, pitchers should simply refuse to pitch to him. I started thinking about what can one guy do about this? Generally, not much. But that does not mean it’s not worth a shot. We can’t force him to leave gracefully, but I say if he demands to play, let the last record he reaches be walks and let him leave the home run record for someone who deserves it.
Hopefully this "Don't pitch to Bonds" notion can become a movement and pitchers across the league will listen. Maybe then baseball will begin to rebuild its reputation as a game of honor rather than one that turns a blind eye to cheating.
MLB responsibility
It's certainly not news that baseball has been derelict in its responsibilities to keep the game clean. It's not so different than the WWF before it was forced a decade or so ago to concede that it was entertainment rather than a sport. If MLB wants to have juiced players then stop the hypocrisy. Admit it and go on. Maybe they could establish a juiced league and a natural league and let the market decide which league survives, let the fans decide which players they would rather watch. Who knows, maybe then it will be the hypocrisy of the fans that will show its face if they choose the juiced league over the natural. (Somewhat like has occurred in the bodybuilding universe.)
If on the other hand baseball wants to actually have players who are clean, they should have real testing with real consequences. Again, you have to start someplace and Mr. Bonds has created a situation where the attention of the fans is focused and the opportunity for action is greatest.
I've never met Bonds, but from everything I've ever read he doesn't seem to be a particularly likeable person. Nonetheless he is not paid to be likeable, he's paid to perform. That said however, it certainly should come as no surprise that a person who is disagreeable with almost everyone would come under much greater scrutiny than someone who is likable. I don't have it out for Bonds. I simply think it is a crime that Babe Ruth's and Hank Aaron's numbers should be surpassed by the Terminator. In answer to what is frequently asked, I was a big fan of the Sosa / McGuire chase back in '98. There were whispers of steroids, but they were just that, and in addition, both men had engaging personalities that endeared them to fans everywhere. Regardless of their smiling dispositions, I would like to think that if I had been faced with an account similar to the one that Williams and Fainaru-Wada have put together on Bonds, I would have been similarly outraged.
Of course, as McGuire stated rather pitifully last year to Congress, we are here to discuss the future of baseball, not the past.
(And of course visit for shirts and e-mail links to MLB)
I'm attempting to begin a grass roots campaign. My goal is to keep Barry Bonds's name off of Hank Aaron's home run record. Not by putting an asterisk by his name but by simply not letting him hit the ball. I want to encourage pitchers to simply walk him, refuse to pitch to him. The idea of Bonds eclipsing the records of Ruth and Aaron is a crime, both literally and figuratively. While 715 & 756 will certainly make for great theater if they occur, in the minds of so many people they are merely travesties in the making.
Given this situation, if Bonds doesn't have the character to simply walk away and leave the game with what's left of its tattered respectability still intact, pitchers should simply refuse to pitch to him. I started thinking about what can one guy do about this? Generally, not much. But that does not mean it’s not worth a shot. We can’t force him to leave gracefully, but I say if he demands to play, let the last record he reaches be walks and let him leave the home run record for someone who deserves it.
Hopefully this "Don't pitch to Bonds" notion can become a movement and pitchers across the league will listen. Maybe then baseball will begin to rebuild its reputation as a game of honor rather than one that turns a blind eye to cheating.
MLB responsibility
It's certainly not news that baseball has been derelict in its responsibilities to keep the game clean. It's not so different than the WWF before it was forced a decade or so ago to concede that it was entertainment rather than a sport. If MLB wants to have juiced players then stop the hypocrisy. Admit it and go on. Maybe they could establish a juiced league and a natural league and let the market decide which league survives, let the fans decide which players they would rather watch. Who knows, maybe then it will be the hypocrisy of the fans that will show its face if they choose the juiced league over the natural. (Somewhat like has occurred in the bodybuilding universe.)
If on the other hand baseball wants to actually have players who are clean, they should have real testing with real consequences. Again, you have to start someplace and Mr. Bonds has created a situation where the attention of the fans is focused and the opportunity for action is greatest.
I've never met Bonds, but from everything I've ever read he doesn't seem to be a particularly likeable person. Nonetheless he is not paid to be likeable, he's paid to perform. That said however, it certainly should come as no surprise that a person who is disagreeable with almost everyone would come under much greater scrutiny than someone who is likable. I don't have it out for Bonds. I simply think it is a crime that Babe Ruth's and Hank Aaron's numbers should be surpassed by the Terminator. In answer to what is frequently asked, I was a big fan of the Sosa / McGuire chase back in '98. There were whispers of steroids, but they were just that, and in addition, both men had engaging personalities that endeared them to fans everywhere. Regardless of their smiling dispositions, I would like to think that if I had been faced with an account similar to the one that Williams and Fainaru-Wada have put together on Bonds, I would have been similarly outraged.
Of course, as McGuire stated rather pitifully last year to Congress, we are here to discuss the future of baseball, not the past.
(And of course visit for shirts and e-mail links to MLB)
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